NATALIE MIRAMONTES Department: Spanish Year: Senior Major: Public Health Joined VHIO: Fall 2020 Why VHIO? When I came to America four years ago, I remember going with my mother to the hospital for a physical exam. While in there, we
MEGAN CHOW Department: Chinese Year: Junior Major: Molecular and Cell Biology, CS Minor Joined VHIO: Fall 2020 Why VHIO? Growing up with my grandma who is part of the LEP, I saw the anxiety that came with doctor appointments which
LAUREN AGUILAR Department: Tagalog Year: Senior Major: Molecular and Environmental Biology Joined VHIO: Junior year – spring 2022 What was your favorite outreach event this year? Events: Interpreting Mock Sessions w/ UCSF Med Students and MHC Translations or Health Coach
LUCAS YOSHIDA Department: Japanese Year: Senior Major: Molecular and Environmental Biology, Public Health Joined VHIO: Freshman year – fall 2018 What was your favorite outreach event this year? One of my favorite events this semester was definitely the UCSF interpretation
LINDA ZHANG Department: Chinese (Mandarin) Year: Sophomore Major: Chemical Biology Joined VHIO: Sophomore year – fall 2021 What was your favorite outreach event this year? The YMCA Chinatown vaccination event taught me the importance of communicating effectively and patiently. The parents
Share one volunteering experience that was most memorable to you.”Last semester, I interpreted for the Blood Pressure Clinic in Oakland. It was my first time interpreting, and I was afraid that I would be disoriented and forget the medical terms
Share one volunteering experience that was most memorable to you.”The most memorable volunteering experience was when I interpreted an elderly patient for dentures using Medicare. After I helped him go through the whole process of registering, doctor visits, and checkups,
Share one volunteering experience that was most memorable to you.”My most memorable volunteer experience happened during my first interpretation event at the Mabuhay Clinic. The whole event was a great learning experience but it was a particular moment during the
Share one volunteering experience that was most memorable to you.”I will never forget the awe that I felt when I first stepped inside International Community School’s gymnasium where the First Annual East Oakland Community Assembly was being held in September
PRISCILLA (MINZHE) CHENDepartment: Chinese – MandarinYear: JuniorMajor: Applied Math + EconPreferred Pronouns: She, hers, herJoined VHIO: Fall 2017Why VHIO? “There are so many talented members and hardworking leaders in VHIO. The events of VHIO have enabled me to help hundreds of Limited English Proficiency