Share one volunteering experience that was most memorable to you.
"Last August, I interpreted for a patient at an audiology clinic. During the session, I had to speak very loudly and clearly to communicate with the patient due to a malfunctioning hearing aid. By the end of the appointment, the patient, with the adjusted hearing aid, was able to hear clearly again. They thanked me for helping to restore their ability to hear and asked me to interpret for them again at a follow-up appointment. I was surprised and humbled that the patient wanted my help again, and I have always remembered this moving experience."
Department: Vietnamese Department
Year: Junior
Major:Applied Math and Molecular & Cell Biology
Joined VHIO: Fall 2016
Why VHIO? How did VHIO impact you and your personal goals?
"I joined VHIO because I wanted to help the Vietnamese community that struggles to access proper healthcare. Since I'm not yet a physician, health interpreting is one of the small things I can do to help the community right now. From the events that I've volunteered at, I feel that I've grown by becoming more culturally aware and being exposed to different areas of the health field. VHIO has taught me use what I have to give back to the community, and that I can still learn a lot from doing so."
How did you help the community through VHIO?
"I have interpreted at a UOP Health Fair, the Oakland Senior Center, and several personal appointments at various types of clinics. At these events, I have helped young adult patients to geriatric patients and learned how to efficiently communicate with them. Topics of interest include health insurance, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, and physical therapy. By interpreting, I help people become more aware of their health and how to maintain it."
Future plans?
She hopes to be an ophthalmologist specializing in neuro-ophthalmology or glaucoma.
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